About Kanako
Through Classical Ballet, Kanako developed body awareness and the joy of using her body in expressive art, which led her to discover Yoga and Pilates.
In order to cope with the hectic city life in Tokyo, she practiced yoga at home and attended classes and workshops with different teachers; however, it was when she first came to Byron bay that her real journey had begun.
Since then she received training in Solomon Yogalates and in Ishta System with Rachel Zinman. She has also studied 5 Element Healing Form as part of apprenticeship with Peter Clifford and incorporates it into her teaching. She is also trained in prenatal yoga and has been enjoying sharing her yoga with pregnant women.
Her passion and wish for sharing yoga manifested as wonderful opportunities to work with Rachel Zinman in her teacher training courses, workshops and retreats in Byron Bay, Bali and India as translator/assistant teacher.
As a dedicated yoga translator, she has enjoyed working with many other international teachers including Emil Wendel, Sarah Powers, Louisa Sear, and Simon Borg-Olivier.
She continues to learn and grow as a practitioner and a teacher and has completed a number of specialised trainings such as Yoga for children with autism and additional needs, Yoga for Mental Health, Senior Yoga, and Yoga for Pelvic Floor and Hormone Balancing.
Currently based in Lennox Head, Australia, she enjoys teaching her small group classes and pregnancy yoga and is also very passionate about sharing her knowledge and her practice as a teacher trainer in various teacher training courses including Bliss Baby Yoga and Solomon Yogalates
In order to cope with the hectic city life in Tokyo, she practiced yoga at home and attended classes and workshops with different teachers; however, it was when she first came to Byron bay that her real journey had begun.
Since then she received training in Solomon Yogalates and in Ishta System with Rachel Zinman. She has also studied 5 Element Healing Form as part of apprenticeship with Peter Clifford and incorporates it into her teaching. She is also trained in prenatal yoga and has been enjoying sharing her yoga with pregnant women.
Her passion and wish for sharing yoga manifested as wonderful opportunities to work with Rachel Zinman in her teacher training courses, workshops and retreats in Byron Bay, Bali and India as translator/assistant teacher.
As a dedicated yoga translator, she has enjoyed working with many other international teachers including Emil Wendel, Sarah Powers, Louisa Sear, and Simon Borg-Olivier.
She continues to learn and grow as a practitioner and a teacher and has completed a number of specialised trainings such as Yoga for children with autism and additional needs, Yoga for Mental Health, Senior Yoga, and Yoga for Pelvic Floor and Hormone Balancing.
Currently based in Lennox Head, Australia, she enjoys teaching her small group classes and pregnancy yoga and is also very passionate about sharing her knowledge and her practice as a teacher trainer in various teacher training courses including Bliss Baby Yoga and Solomon Yogalates
クラシックバレエの経験から覚えた、体を使って表現する事の楽しさやボディアウェアネスをもとに 2001年にヨガとピラティスを始める。東京での忙しい生活に安らぎを求め、様々な先生のクラス・ワークショップに参加したり、自宅での練習を続けたが、本当の意味でのヨガの道が始まったのはバイロンベイに来てから。
産前産後ヨガのみならず、シニアヨガおよびメンタルヘルスのためのヨガ (マリア・カースティン)、骨盤底筋およびホルモンバランスのためのヨガ、リストラティブヨガ、自閉症および特別支援が必要な子供のためのヨガなど、様々な専門領域のトレーニングを通して指導の幅、スキルを深め続けている。
Yoga for Everyoneをモットーに、年齢や身体能力に関わらずあらゆる人が安全にかつ効果的に心身と向き合うことができるような指導を心がけている。
産前産後ヨガのみならず、シニアヨガおよびメンタルヘルスのためのヨガ (マリア・カースティン)、骨盤底筋およびホルモンバランスのためのヨガ、リストラティブヨガ、自閉症および特別支援が必要な子供のためのヨガなど、様々な専門領域のトレーニングを通して指導の幅、スキルを深め続けている。
Yoga for Everyoneをモットーに、年齢や身体能力に関わらずあらゆる人が安全にかつ効果的に心身と向き合うことができるような指導を心がけている。