The way I practice and the way I teach are inspired and influenced by the Vini-yoga approach. Instead of staying and holding the pose, I enjoy moving in and out of the pose in sync with my breath. With each breath and with each movement, I find myself opening more, softening more, connected more, grounded more, and deepening more into the pose. In this way, each of the students can work with their own breath and their own body on that particular day. I also incorporate a lot of simple but effective instructions for safe and effective alignment from Ishta System & Yogalates. I emphasise the importance of tuning into their own inner & outer body intelligence and allow students time and safe space to explore and feel the pose on their own. ------------------------------------------ 自分の練習や指導法の核をなすのはヴィニヨガの影響を受けたアプローチ。ポーズを静止した状態で保持するよりも、呼吸とともにポーズの出入りを繰り返す動きが好き。一つ一つの呼吸、一つ一つの動きを深めるたびに、身体がさらに開き、さらに和らぎ、つながり、地に足がついて安定し、ポーズに深く沈んでいく自分を感じます。そうすることで生徒さん一人一人もそれぞれ、その日の自分自身の呼吸と自分自身の身体に合わせてポーズを感じ、楽しめるでしょう。イシュタシステムやヨガラティスからはアライメントの指示もわかりやすく取り入れて、安全にガイド。体がもつ本来の知性を働かせ、内外の身体の声に耳を傾ける大切さを教え、生徒一人一人がそれぞれ自分の中でポーズを感じ、探求する時間と安全な空間を常に忘れずにゆったりとクラスを進めていきます。
The Five Element Form ファイブエレメントフォーム
The Five Element Form as taught by Peter Clifford is s an ancient tantric yoga purifacation practice. As we move through simple flowing movements in standing, we can connect with the five elements (Earth Water Fire Air Space) within and outside of us, cleanse and energize the organs, and enhance the quality and the flow of Prana (qi, life force). It is a powerful and nurturing practice which brings you a sense of grounding, connection, inner strength and peace. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ピーター・クリフォード先生によるファイブエレメント癒しのヨガは古代から伝わるタントラヨガ伝統の浄化法。気功に似たシンプルな立ちポーズを呼吸と共に流れるように動いていく事で、地・水・火・風・空の五元素と内側、外側の両方で繋がることができ、体内器官を浄化・活性化、プラーナ(気・生命力)の質と流れを高めてくれます。このパワフルな癒しのヨガは、地に足をつける安定感、繋がり、内なる力強さと安らぎをもたらしてくれます。
Yoga for Pregnancy マタニティーヨガ
During pregnancy, women go through so many changes physically, mentally and emotionally and as much as it is a joyous time for many of us, it can also be quite challenging with various physical discomforts and emotional/hormonal ups and downs. Prenatal yoga practice can support women on many levels throughout the pregnancy and prepare them for the labour and the motherhood ahead. Just like my regular yoga classes, I honour and cater for individual student's needs and modify and offer alternatives where required. Combining gentle opening and softening prenatal yoga poses and calming restful restorative poses together with more stabilising and energising movements from the Five Element Form, my prenatal yoga class offers a balanced nourishing practice for all.